Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Welcome back

Hey all, got back from MX last week and man is it cold here! Right before we got back, we saw the tempurature drop from 40 to -40 in about 8 hours or less! We were expecting the worst, so when our flight went smoothly and it was cold, but not horrible when we got back and the roads were taken care of, we were quite happy. We had a good time, bonded with our friends down in MX that we see every year, took a catamaran over to Isla Mujeres and had a nice dinner and swam in the ocean and much more! It was a great time. If anyone wants to see my pics, I would be happy to give you the links to my website on Walmart.com. That place is awesome. We add to each other's groups too. Anyone who hasn't used it yet, should.

I am happy to be back, especially happy to see my daughter. I know she wants to go down next year, but I am going to have to find out what her school thinks about that. I know the middle school didn't care, but who knows, I hear the high school is tougher. Anyways, how has everyone been? What have I missed? I love this blog...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Ok, here I am last couple days of cold and then I will be in the warm for 2 whole weeks! Sun and fun...no work, no work. I will probably have a hard time relaxing at first. I will make sure to upload some pics when I get back. Hope you all can give me some fun comments while I am gone. Be sure to get ready to come to my tax party when we get back. Why not make something horrible, fun?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Baby It's COLD Outside!

Hi all...well January is rolling and a new year. I HATE THE COLD!!!! Did anyone not get that? When the winters come, I wonder every year why I live in the Midwest. I love Spring, Summer and Fall. The colors are beautiful, I love the rain, I love gardening, I love everything about the Midwest. Then comes winter, snow, cold, gray skies....yuk! Football comes to an end in winter, the only thing I look forward to is the fire's we have and snuggling up...and some other things I can't say. The best thing about winter is when we leave to go to MX and the worst is when we come back. Last year it was like -30 degrees and we had a 100 degree change in weather, so I am sure how cold you can imagine we are. Well Christmas and New Years is done and real life is back. New Year, New Goals, my kickboxing class is busier than ever. I even kicked my own butt this past Tuesday night. I am not looking forward to teaching tonight as sore as I still am. Hehe... Gotta give these people what they want! I am looking forward to MX in less than a week and a half. I will come back all tan and stand out like I am some tanning person. LOL. Well, been so busy so gonna make this short.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Another Blog by guess who? ME! Just want to touch base and say HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. I know people say that New Year's resolutions are made to be broken, but I think it's refreshing to try to start the new year with GOALS. I know it doesn't matter when you really start the goals, but why not make a new start on the 1st? Why not weigh yourself Tuesday morning and then once per week from then on out and make this year everything it should be. Quit the nasty habit you do. I already started writing my list last night. I started writing at midnight and next thing I know it's 3 a.m. Sound like alot of goals, huh? LOL. I wanted to cover physical, personal, family, friends, job and spiritual. Not in any certain order of course. I wanted to be detailed. They say just saying a goal or resolution isn't good enough. You have to WRITE IT DOWN. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that. I know what I want for myself and I am going to give it a shot. I look back and each year I have got a little more organized and a little more motivated to do things I wasn't in the past. I hope you all will comment on my blogs and let me know your goals! I would be happy to share if anyone is interested. Well, everyone be SAFE don't drink and drive and have a great time tonight. See you in the new year!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

End of the Year and First Blog

Hello all! Just want to enter my first blog and hopefully you will enter as many blogs as you can and we can stay in touch in one spot. This Christmas was a blessing. We enjoyed many fun times and gatherings. Jessica is now 14 and it's hard to believe that in less than 1 year and a half she will be getting her driver's permit! Ahhh! I feel too young to have a 14 year old! Can you imagine...I am only going to be 36 when she goes to college! I hope you all enjoyed our Christmas letter and for those of you who did not get it, I would be happy to email it to you. Greg's family is the only ones that I have heard so far that noticed a mistake I made in writing. I had mentioned a flag that Jeff and Greg spent all day putting up and remarked on the size of it. Well, when I asked Greg what the size was, he thought I was talking about the flag on our flag pole, not the LARGE flag, so the correction is that the flag was actually like 20 x 30 or something like that. So it actually was large. Everyone beside Greg's family didn't even notice from the people I talked to, but if you did notice, here is your correction. lol. I think this year, I may do a month by month, so that when it's time to make the letter, I don't have to do it in one day and if there is mistakes, oh well! That is what this blog will be for. lol. Back to Christmas, we had a great time in the morning doing our Christmas...Jess got over 40 books, I think she said more around 65 after the day was over. She loves to read, but even that amount will take her a time. She was so funny, she had them all spread out on her bed and she was making sure they were in order. The only one I missed is the one she wants to read next. I guess I am going to have to get on the ball and get that book. At least she can skip to the Thriller Edition. The series she is into if you all are wondering as I reminise, is Sweet Valley. The University Edition is what I bought her, Jamie bought her the Thriller Edition, so she is super excited! I haven't ever seen a kid so excited to receive books...lol. I am impressed she likes those books, those are the books I use to read at her age and I loved Jessica in there and that is why I named her Jessica, believe it or not. Come to find out, she is more like Elizabeth than Jessica, but I still liked the name! She got an Ipod for her bday and thank you to everyone who got her Ipod money, she is thrilled! We then went over to my Mom's house and spent the day with the family. Mom and Larry made an excellent meal, I took dessert and it was nice to spend time with my family. It's always really hectic at that house, but I love the noise! We stayed there for awhile and then headed over to Greg's family's. We had such a great time over there! It was so much fun to get to hold my new niece Ali and I got a HUGE kiss from my first niece Kylee. We went for a walk and talked and opened presents. It's so fun to see the kids enjoy Christmas. Kylee has really grown, she was able to wait for each person to open presents. Grammie and Mary made it over, so we got some really nice pics and some nice conversation. We got home about 8-9ish and it sure was a long day! After we got everything put away, we crashed! It sure was a tiring day. I had a hard time getting up the next day, so I can imagine how Greg felt, since he had to be at work at a certain time! Last night, Greg made up for it though and slept for about 11 hours. lol. Well, here was our Christmas! Please feel free to tell us all about your Christmas! It's nice that we can share all in one place! Long or short, join in! --Christy.